Invendy was created in 2010 by two young internet enthusiasts, based in a small town in the Netherlands. In the ten years since its creation, Invendy has expanded into a team of 12 creative people, each with their own specialization.
Today, the main focus of our creative talent is delivering innovative link building campaigns that support the digital marketing efforts of our diverse client base. We have worked with companies and entrepreneurs from all over the world, including ones based in North America, Europe, and Australia. Our clients range from small website owners all the way up to large Fortune 500 companies, all of whom put their faith on our innovative link building campaigns, which we provide through
After working on hundreds of SEO projects and helping our clients achieve a wide range of different goals, we consider ourselves experts in the field. On you’ll find a catalog with all the link building techniques we developed in-house.
SEO isn’t our only focus, however. The spirit of innovation that led to the creation of Invendy is still here, and we’re continuously looking for opportunities to start new ventures. We also focus our creative efforts on adopting and improving upon various new technologies that can make our work more effective. By scaling and automating many of our business processes, we have been able to overcome many bottlenecks that could have slowed down our growth. This is a large part of what made us the sustainable company we are today.